Plan Characteristics Includes estimates of future maintenance costs

The Tweed Shire Council – Transportation Asset Management Plan (DRAFT) is available here.

This document includes the following sections: Asset Valuation, Communications and Reporting, Current Methods and Tools, Data Management, Financial Plan, Future Demand, Introduction, Inventory and Condition, Investment Strategies, Levels of Service, Lifecycle Management, Objectives and Measures, Process Improvements, Regulatory and Legislative Requirements, Risk Management.

This document meets the following additional criteria:
• Asset valuation included
• Includes an assessment of data quality or reliability
• Includes analysis of future demand impacts on asset needs
• Includes customer-oriented LOS statements
• Includes estimates of future maintenance costs
• Includes estimates of future rehabilitation, replacement, reconstruction, and/or renewal costs
• Includes strategies for multiple funding scenarios
• Includes substantive list of process, data, and/or systems improvement actions
• Investment strategies summarize planned capital and operating expenditures
• References customer surveys/outreach for establishing LOS statements.

The modal scope of this document is: Highway Only.

The asset scope of this document is: Highway Assets, Includes other highway assets.

External link:
Document summary:

The Tweed Shire Council TAMP presents the scope of assets covered in the plan and a transportation asset hierarchy to prioritize asset classes based on agency objectives and customer expectations. The TAMP also presents system quality, accessibility, customer satisfaction, and responsiveness as council priorities, describing performance measurements, targets, and agency actions to address each objective. The TAMP addresses levels of service, current practices, demand management, lifecycle management, risk management, a financial summary, asset management practices, and a TAMP improvement plan.

The Adelaide Hills Council – Transport Asset Management Plan is available here.

This document includes the following sections: Asset Valuation, Communications and Reporting, Current Methods and Tools, Data Management, Financial Plan, Future Demand, Introduction, Inventory and Condition, Investment Strategies, Levels of Service, Lifecycle Management, Objectives and Measures, Performance Assessment, Process Improvements, Risk Management.

This document meets the following additional criteria:
• Asset valuation included
• Future cost/performance projections are based on management system analysis (e.g. HERS, dTIMS)
• Includes analysis of future demand impacts on asset needs
• Includes cost projections for meeting performance or LOS targets
• Includes customer-oriented LOS statements
• Includes estimates of future maintenance costs
• Includes estimates of future rehabilitation, replacement, reconstruction, and/or renewal costs
• Includes formal risk assessment results such as a risk register
• Includes strategies for multiple funding scenarios
• Includes substantive list of process, data, and/or systems improvement actions
• Investment strategies summarize planned capital and operating expenditures
• Key revenue projection assumptions identified
• References customer surveys/outreach for establishing LOS statements.

The modal scope of this document is: Highway Only.

The asset scope of this document is: Highway Assets, Includes other highway assets.

External link:
Document summary:

This Transportation Asset Management Plan was developed for the Adelaide Hills Council. The Plan is meant to be read in conjunction with existing documents, including the council’s Strategic Management Plan, the Development Plan, and the Long Term Financial Plan. The plan highlights the agency goals and objectives concerning asset management and covers the following topics: desired level of service, lifecycle management, future demand, asset management practices, performance monitoring, a financial summary, and an improvement plan.