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The Wyoming DOT – TAMP [DRAFT] is available here.

This document includes the following sections: Asset Valuation, Current Methods and Tools, Data Management, Financial Plan, Future Demand, Introduction, Inventory and Condition, Investment Strategies, Performance Assessment, Process Improvements, Regulatory and Legislative Requirements, Risk Management.

This document meets the following additional criteria:
• Includes analysis of future demand impacts on asset needs
• Key revenue projection assumptions identified
• Presents a corridor view of asset management.

The modal scope of this document is: Highway Only.

The asset scope of this document is: Highway Assets, Pavement and bridge only.

External link:
Document summary:

This document is a draft of the Wyoming DOT TAMP. The final version was published in 2018 and can be viewed here:
The Wyoming TAMP presents the DOT's approach to managing its pavement and bridge assets. The TAMP includes sections on pavement and bridge conditions and programs, life cycle cost analysis, financial planning and investment strategies, and risks to the transportation system.

The Alaska DOT&PF – Transportation Asset Management Synthesis for the Parks Highway Corridor is available here.

This document includes the following sections: Data Management, Introduction, Levels of Service, Objectives and Measures, Performance Assessment, Regulatory and Legislative Requirements.

This document meets the following additional criteria:
• Asset valuation included
• Future cost/performance projections are based on management system analysis (e.g. HERS, dTIMS)
• Includes an assessment of data quality or reliability
• Includes cross-asset resource allocation method
• Includes customer-oriented LOS statements
• Presents a corridor view of asset management.

The modal scope of this document is: Highway Only.

The asset scope of this document is: Highway Assets, Includes other highway assets.

External link: http://www.dot.state.ak.us/stwddes/asset_mgmt/assets/enterprise_tam_workplan_final.pdf
Document summary:

Alaska DOT & PF seeks to develop their agency's asset management maturity in order to improve the life cycle management and performance of their resources. The TAMP addresses a desire to more effectively use rich collections of data, fill gaps in data and understanding of performance, and change organizational procedures and culture. This TAMP outlines a work plan for the timeframe of 2012-2014, composed of self-contained projects for the advancement of the agency's current practice.

The Oregon DOT – Asset Management Strategic Plan is available here.

This document includes the following sections: Data Management, Introduction, Inventory and Condition, Objectives and Measures.

This document meets the following additional criteria:
• Includes an assessment of data quality or reliability
• Includes communication plan.

The modal scope of this document is: Highway Only.

The asset scope of this document is: Highway Assets, Includes other highway assets.

External link: http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/TECHSERV/AMI%20docs/04-amsp-10-111711_final.pdf
Document summary:

This AMP is based on a review of asset management practices and the principles from AASHTO’s Transportation Asset Management Guide. The asset management goals, as outlined in the document, are: foster integrated decision-making, establish a statewide inventory, develop an integrated data system, and create integrated reporting and analysis tools. An implementation plan has been made to reflect each one of these objectives.