Plan Characteristics Includes an assessment of data quality or reliability
The Montana DOT – TAMP is available here.
This document meets the following additional criteria: • Asset valuation included • Includes an assessment of data quality or reliability • Includes cost projections for meeting performance or LOS targets • Includes estimates of future maintenance costs • Includes estimates of future rehabilitation, replacement, reconstruction, and/or renewal costs • Includes formal risk assessment results such as a risk register • Includes future projected asset condition • Includes substantive list of process, data, and/or systems improvement actions • Key revenue projection assumptions identified • Performance/LOS targets are linked to agency goals/objectives • Risk assessment results incorporated into investment strategies.
The modal scope of this document is: Highway Only.
The asset scope of this document is: Highway Assets, Pavement and bridge only.
External link:
This Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP) is Montana Department of Transportation’s (MDT) first formal plan that builds from the foundation established by P3 and describes how MDT manages pavements and bridges to fulfill the requirements of MAP-21. A previous draft is available at:
The Porirua City Council – Transport Asset Management Plan is available here.
This document meets the following additional criteria: • Asset valuation included • Defines linkages to other planning & programming documents • Includes an assessment of data quality or reliability • Includes analysis of future demand impacts on asset needs • Includes cost projections for meeting performance or LOS targets • Includes customer-oriented LOS statements • Includes estimates of future maintenance costs • Includes estimates of future rehabilitation, replacement, reconstruction, and/or renewal costs • Includes formal risk assessment results such as a risk register • References customer surveys/outreach for establishing LOS statements.
The modal scope of this document is: Highway Only.
The asset scope of this document is: Highway Assets, Includes other highway assets.
External link:
The TAMP covers the whole-life cost approach, life cycle delivery, asset knowledge systems, the organizational structure, risk, and financial requirements associated with asset management. The plan details the relationship between the TAMP and other agency planning documents, distinguishing the asset management plan as a document that links Council inputs, such as community outcomes, levels of service, regional plans, and growth projections, with other planning efforts.
The Launceston City Council – Road Asset Management Plan is available here.
This document meets the following additional criteria: • Asset valuation included • Defines linkages to other planning & programming documents • Future cost/performance projections are based on management system analysis (e.g. HERS, dTIMS) • Includes an assessment of data quality or reliability • Includes analysis of future demand impacts on asset needs • Includes cost projections for meeting performance or LOS targets • Includes estimates of future maintenance costs • Includes estimates of future rehabilitation, replacement, reconstruction, and/or renewal costs • Includes formal risk assessment results such as a risk register • Includes substantive list of process, data, and/or systems improvement actions • Key revenue projection assumptions identified • Performance/LOS targets are linked to agency goals/objectives.
The modal scope of this document is: Highway Only.
The asset scope of this document is: Highway Assets, Includes other highway assets.
External link:
The Lauceston Council Transportation Asset Management Plan follows the same outline as other council TAMPs in Australia. The TAMP focuses on levels of service, based on consumer expectations and strategic goals, future demand, lifecycle management, a financial summary, and a plan improvement program. The document includes a “Road Map” for preparing a TAMP. Current levels of service are also described using key performance measures, then compared to an optimal level of service as established by the agency. Risks, including treatment plans, are also addressed.